My astigmatic eyeglasses do not fit me, and my eyes get strained.
I suffer from severe astigmatism and cannot have it corrected to satisfactory vision! Do you know lenses exclusively for astigmatism?
Impact of severe astigmatism
- Astigmatism is the state that the eyes go out of focus because the lens inside them is distorted.
- Things look blurry or obscure when looking near or looking far, and the eyes do not focus on any point.
Are eyeglasses for severe astigmatism awkward to use?
If you have severe astigmatism, don’t you think that you cannot find eyeglass lenses that realize both clear vision and ease of wearing?
Objects look obscurer or blurrier to eyes with severe astigmatism, and they may cause discomfort with visibility or eye strain.
When making eyeglasses for astigmatism, they are occasionally prescribed for reducing risks by correcting the astigmatic power to a mild level in order to increase ease of wearing.
This approach make the eyeglasses easy to wear but does not thoroughly eliminate obscure or blurry images, and visibility therefore needs to be compromised.
- Countermeasures / Improvements
- Use lenses exclusively for astigmatism realizing both comfort of vision and a comfortable feeling of wearing.