I want to perform activities both indoors and outdoors with the same eyeglasses.
I want eyeglasses that are fit for business situations and also function as sunglasses! We offer eyeglasses that no longer need the user to change eyeglasses according to the situation.
Users can protect their eyes from glare both indoors and outdoors without changing eyeglasses.
Colored eyeglasses and sunglasses are occasionally unfit for use in business situations and public places.
However, changing eyeglasses according to the situation is annoying, and carrying multiple eyeglasses increases baggage.
Photochromic lenses that change colors under sunlight
Photochromic lenses, which turn into sunglasses from colorless lenses with ultraviolet rays, reduce glare outdoors.
In an indoor place not affected by ultraviolet rays, colorless photochromic lenses do not need to be changed in an office and public places.
Since photochromic lenses change colors by absorbing ultraviolet rays, they can reduce strain on the eyes and protect them from ultraviolet rays.
*Note that the color depth of lenses changes depending on the amount of ultraviolet rays or temperature.
- Countermeasures / Improvements
- Photochromic lenses of the eye health care lens materials “LUTINA materials” are also available.
- Photochromic lenses are also compatible widely with bifocal lenses and thin lenses and can be used in various situation.
- Photochromic lenses cut off glare and ultraviolet rays at the same time.